The first promise was a fashion blog, you thought. The second: a style blog, you thought. And now, are you disappointed? You get bored of Oui, Mademoiselle, you don't read it, you don't like the pictures I post? Than you should leave, yes.
But if you know what means the "style" I'm talking about then you should talk to me more. Be my friend. Style is above all, as Bukowski says and being stylish is not equal wearing expensive, modish clothes. Oui, Mademoiselle is still a style blog, more than ever, even if most of the times it's not directly about fashion. A house, a food, a painting, a book or a landscape has its own specific style. Do not think in clothing. Sometimes I think clothes are boring. Sometimes clothes bore me stiff. Open your eyes. Receive the naked, pure style, like a monotheistic recives Lord's calls.
Come to me SWEDISH ORTHOPEDIC CLOGS. Both of you are sweetly welcomed.
Two of my biggest fears: hurricanes and put-out eyes.
Sources: photo by Saga Sig, unknowns, Swedish Orthopedic Clogs, unknowns and Bob Dylan.
5 comment(s):
I like the new look.
And Anna Maria, I've always enjoyed your posts, whether they are about clothes or a collection of pictures. In fact, I tend to like the picture ones better. Maybe people think that style is only in fashion, but to me it's everything. I get that.
From, you guessed it,
Hannah Jean
nem nagyon szoktam kommentelni, de most mégiscsak muszáj, mert nem árt, ha tudod, hogy vannak olvasóid, akik értik, amit csinálsz, sőt, nagyon is szeretik:) keep it up, girl!
<3 both of you
gondoltam ez tetszene
AHH köszi!!
megvan már ez a kép,de jó h eszembe juttattad...majd kirakom:)
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