Written by Annamária ©


07 December 2010


I have the wishes: going to USA, being in a band, wearing designer clothes, getting some (A LOT) red roses. Is this so difficult? Am I so voracious? Now, Christmas is coming, what is your wishlist? You can tell me if you want to go to Japan, fly to the Moon, walk on water, wear Maison Martin Margiela, anything. Let your imagination free, and tell me, hide beneath your pillow, and like a benignant tooth fairy, I'll fulfill by morning.
A kívánságaim: elmenni az USÁ-ba, benne lenni egy bandában, designer ruhákat hordani, és kapni néhány (SOK) vörös rózsát. Olyan nehéz ez? Olyan telhetetlen vagyok? Most, hogy karácsony közeledik, mi a Te kívánságlistád? Nekem elmondhatod, ha el akarsz menni Japánba, elrepülni a Holdra, vízen járni, vagy Maison Martin Margielát hordani, bármit. Engedd a képzeleted szabadon, és mondd el nekem, rejtsd a párnád alá, s mint egy jóságos fogtündér, reggelre teljesítem.
2: Kate Moss At Home By Juergen Teller for Self Service December 2010, 1: Balmain 3: Alexander Wang S11 and 4: ambience by Margiela via

6 comment(s):

Mia M. said...

I wanna live in the States for a while, somewhere where it is always warm, like San Diego...



V said...

Be with my loved one and my mum on Christmas Eve... and it's gonna happen this year finally! ‹3

kisses and hugs,

chandraisgreat said...

This year all I want for Christmas is a new apartment! I kinda wanna move back to Brooklyn :D

Renata said...

Maison Martin Margielát eltaláltad, de csapj hozzá
- pár Mcqueent,
- egy Jeffrey Campbell féle Lita-t,
- pár Burberry féle bőr és irha kabátot,
- és egy utat Amszterdamba. :))


Anonymous said...

1. Perfect Lipstick
2. Dance all Christmas Night
3. Find my 1st love & tell him everything I didn't cause I was proud.
4. Revisit the places & relive the memories that made me so happy in all my life.

Annamária said...

oh kids, I hope all of your wishes come true :)