Written by Annamária ©


25 May 2010

Lady-K with guns and acrylic

When I saw Ted Noten's works my first thought was Wow, what an idea! To mix acrylic, guns, bullets, cocain, diamonds or a mouse has to be superfantastic and impressive. No doubt, it is. My absolute favourite is the Prada Lady-K-Bag. I could wear it everywhere. I WANT IT. Seriously.
Amikor először láttam Ted Noten munkáit, azt gondoltam Váó, micsoda ötlet! Keverni a műanyagot fegyverekkel, golyókkal, kokainnal, gyémántokkal vagy egy egérrel szuperfantasztikus és hatásos kell hogy legyen. Semmi kétség, az. Az abszolút kedvencem a Prada Lady-K-Bag. Mindenhova tudnám hordani, AKAROM. Komolyan.

Lady K Bag Nr. 4 Prada bag and heavily goldplated gun and bullet, acrylic. Artist's collection. 2007. Photography w.model: Sharon Mor Yosef.
Murdered Innocence Suitcase 24°—68°—6cm (appr. 20 kilo) gun with a silencer, holy communion dress, pearl, diamond, bullet. 2005.
Limited Edition Special edition of 6 bags, cases and a trolley. (Trolley 'A split second before imploding': Collection Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam). Photography BackUp-bag: Sharon Mor Yosef. 2007.
Super Ted Crafts, the magazine for contemporary craft. July/ August 2009 part 1.
Survival Bag 1 mackerel cast in acrylic with sacond-hand handle, 18 x 40 cm. 1997.
Louis Vuitton Bag Louis Vuitton bag cast in acrylic 45 x 40 cm. 2008.
Turbo Princess mouse and pearl necklace cast in acrylic, whitened silver, steel wire, 7.5 x 15 cm. 1995.(click images to enlarge)
There are some other creations by him iLike too much. For example the Golden Pills Bag, the Superbitchbag, the Messin' around with willy project, the Meatbag, or the Icepick Bag. By the way, check out his website.
My second thought about his works was Gee! These bags are for total Bad Ass Girls like Tamara Dobson or Pam Grier. Imagine these black cinema heroes with a Lady K or a Super Bitch Bag... they'd kick some more ass with them! Pam and Tamara are full of Dynamite!
A második gondolat, ami Noten munkáiról eszembe jutott, hogy Szűzanyám! Ezek a táskák Totál Tökös csajoknak készültek, mint például Tamara Dobson vagy Pam Grier. Képzeld el ezeket a feketemozi hősöket egy Lady K vagy egy Super Bitch táskával az oldalukon... még több segget szétrúgnának, az egyszer biztos! Pam és Tamara tele vannak Dinamittal!
Tamara Dobson in Cleopatra Jones (1973)
Pam Grier in Coffy (1973)

Super Bitch Bag Lady K handgun (engraved with flowers and gold-plated) cast in acrylic. 2008.

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