if you're hungarian you may remember Gumipop,... regular friday parties with lots of indie music and the best of pop..I dont know if it still exists, last time Ive been there was in 2009, when this picture was taken as well
god, so long ago...
.....miss those drunk pogo nights back in hungary haha
Loved those times, and kinda miss it, truly hate this music Im forced to listen here every day
Just really looking forward to move to london.
2 days ago we watched the brit awards and it just made me clearly realize that rihanna sucks and BLUR still rocks, they gave a several-track show and I loved every moment of it. how mighty seeing that Damon Albarn is still that rebel kid in martens boots who we loved in our teenage years, love them!!!
so just bought NME today, they're on the cover, I used to buy it years ago and now I buy it again, I got POSTERS!!!!!!!!!! YEAAAH