Dears, I'm gone for the weekend, but new texted(!!!) posts, little film reviews are coming on Monday! Have a nice weekend! x
29 July 2011
Pussy and heroin
Dears, I'm gone for the weekend, but new texted(!!!) posts, little film reviews are coming on Monday! Have a nice weekend! x
28 July 2011
26 July 2011
25 July 2011
Ain't No Place For Me
Where'll be the next place my soul can forget? A place without cars, people, noise. Soon I leave my home - again - and I'm a bit affraid. I suppose it's because of my astrological sign, I'm a Taurus and it's well-known they have a strong fear of change. Bullshit. Anyway, I really have.
The best thing I can think of now is retreating as a recluse to the mountains of New Zealand.
Okay, I know, London will be great, I talk shit. Anyway I must be nice to people... but if I can't here's the New Zealand idea as a second option. Sounds reassuring.
For the mood Slim Harpo: This Ain't No PLace For Me
Photos by me, at home
Wow, and wow again
You know kids, a lot of times I was thinking about finish blogging because I felt there's not enough reader and view, so it's not worth to spend my time here. And look at this! Every time I got a comment like this, I feel just like hey if I can generate a thought like this out of one and only ONE person, this whole thing makes sense. So YOU my friends, all those who follow me week by week, here's a big thank you, you gave me a lot of power and encouragement to continue not only blogging but creating my further works... career(?). Thank you.

This comment was here.
This comment was here.
23 July 2011
21 July 2011
20 July 2011
Hey Mom, do the skate
You know, how I feel about America (❤) and what's my opinion about the great american dream so it's obvious I love everything what comes from there. I have never fantasized about my future "dreamkid" but I suppose I've found my answer. Just look at him! Ain't he the coolest youngster who you've ever seen? And what about the fantasies of your thirties-forties? Being like a likely lad, smoking weed and skating with your kids definitely counts cool. (Tell me a slang synonym of cool, I use it too much!!!) I need to learn skating. I want to break bones and get some bruises. Wanna join?

The outfits? Perfect.
The outfits? Perfect.
18 July 2011
14 July 2011
The perfect superiority scene what every woman dreams of
(...and the answer for dear Hannah Jean!)
Can you imagine any cooler encounter? Gosh, such a perfect scene, when you, the woman is in superiority position, observing the man, and you do anything you want from being totally naked through sniffing cocain to shaving your pussy, anything, and he cannot able to see you while he's dying in curiosity and trying to find out how to get drunk as soon as possible to sustain the pulsating voltage of the woman's sexual appeal and the smashing fear of his boss' punishment if he would touch you. Your divine voice gives orders because he's your slave, in every sense, you're the boss' wife, don't forget. Ah, I'm in flames. Why we tirelessly need observing? The United Nations of Voyeurs, the alternative name of Earth, that's why. Don't lie to yourself, everyone competes for the role of 'Big Brother', because we all love to watch our neighbour's sweaty tail while she's hoeing the allotment.
Can you imagine any cooler encounter? Gosh, such a perfect scene, when you, the woman is in superiority position, observing the man, and you do anything you want from being totally naked through sniffing cocain to shaving your pussy, anything, and he cannot able to see you while he's dying in curiosity and trying to find out how to get drunk as soon as possible to sustain the pulsating voltage of the woman's sexual appeal and the smashing fear of his boss' punishment if he would touch you. Your divine voice gives orders because he's your slave, in every sense, you're the boss' wife, don't forget. Ah, I'm in flames. Why we tirelessly need observing? The United Nations of Voyeurs, the alternative name of Earth, that's why. Don't lie to yourself, everyone competes for the role of 'Big Brother', because we all love to watch our neighbour's sweaty tail while she's hoeing the allotment.
13 July 2011
I'M BACK (it seems)
Two months passed and it seems I can't live without blogspot. Actually I've got lazy in writing on tumblr - bad bad thing, and this reblogging, one shot/post is not my thing. So, no more useless words, I'm back, and going to write more about films, some kinda lazy, quicky film reviews, more music, thoughts, inspiration blabla and less fashion. I guess I've realized fashion is not my business. Currently I'm writing my first screenplay and book, trying to make some impressively cool music, learning English harder, reading a lot, and doing my everyday one-and-a-half-hour jogging. In September with my boyfriend we're going to move to London, trying to sell my works and getting into film industry, showing myself at thousands of castings, even working as an extra, anything, just to BE THERE. I know how hard it will be but I really wait for this tear-full fighting and I'm pretty confident in success. (At least I'm building self-confidence and trying to prepare myself for success, HAH. Am I pompous? Is this all gobbledygook? I might think it's more the words of a pushy little dreamer. Once you dream, dream big - that's my motto.)
Nowdays I mostly listen to 50s rock n' roll and country, so here's a woman who I have fallen in love with.
QUESTION FOR ADVANCED PLAYERS (you can answer I'm sure): this song was the soundtrack of which film?
Note: a website (!!!) is coming soon, and screenplay and book synopses, portfolio, music, videos and who knows what else. Oh and of course, this url will change.
Note #2: I'm wondering about changing my name, I don't like Anna Kazmanowski anymore. I have a new idea, you'll like it.
Note #3 (and then I stop being lazy andstart continue today's hard work): Should I stay here, or back to tumblr? I'm puzzled, help me. Plus I know I'm annoying and untraceable with this lot of, unbearably lot changing, sorry for that.
Have a nice day kids!
Nowdays I mostly listen to 50s rock n' roll and country, so here's a woman who I have fallen in love with.
QUESTION FOR ADVANCED PLAYERS (you can answer I'm sure): this song was the soundtrack of which film?
Note: a website (!!!) is coming soon, and screenplay and book synopses, portfolio, music, videos and who knows what else. Oh and of course, this url will change.
Note #2: I'm wondering about changing my name, I don't like Anna Kazmanowski anymore. I have a new idea, you'll like it.
Note #3 (and then I stop being lazy and
Have a nice day kids!
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