Written by Annamária ©


28 December 2010

Raf's Army

A Raf Simons 15 year anniversary special. A film by Pierre Debusschere. Plus the music, GOD. It's by Frederic Ameel at 254Studio. Orgasmic. I am spellbounded.

In Dazed & Confused's January issue

27 December 2010

The book WE ALL must read promptly: Minimalism and Fashion

Madeleine Vionnet, Halston, Karl Lagerfeld, Rei Kawakubo, Miuccia Prada, Yohji Yamamoto, Helmut Lang, Frank Stella, Sol LeWitt, Donald Judd, Dan Flavin, Rachel Whiteread, Peter Halley, Jeff Koons, Richard Avedon, Hiro, Francesco Scavullo, Guy Bourdin, David Bailey, William Klein, Corinne Day, Juergen Teller. Ah.
I guess the connection between fashion and minimalism is like the connection between the pea and its pod, as Forrest Gump used to say. Especially from the 1960s. Not like when you think "this dress represents a bauhaus building, or a Mondrian painting, like the Yves Saint Laurent one". It's more complex. What is minimalism actually? Symmetrical/asymmetrical lines and something what is unadorned and simple? Hard to describe. "When the work is stripped down to its most fundamental features", as Jimmy Wales said. Sounds correct. Anyway, my birthday is in April and I'd like to read this book pretty much. Okay, you get the message?

Seriously, where are my Thoughts?

Christmas is over (thank God), it hasn't happened as we were expected. But nevermind. It's over now. Yesterday I watched Home alone and Pretty woman at the umpteenth times in the television, that was cool. Today I had to go to school, JEEEESUS, who was that idiot who decided we should going in. Sh*t. I was suffering whole day long. And so it goes all the week round. And now, the worst thing of today (and the past days) that there's nothing on my mind, really, my thoughts are disappeared. Where are you my Thoughts? I miss you, come back, I command it!

Worships a malevolent force in the corn fields

"A young couple wander into a mid-western town where all the adults are apparently dead and the children participate in a cult that worships a  malevolent force in the corn fields. Based on a Stephen King novella." Sounds interesting.
Frankenstein 1931, Children of the Corn 1984

26 December 2010

25 December 2010

The teenage anger and the Julie Delpy-1995 looks

Next fall we're all going to be high-school girls in high-styled uniforms. This Rag & Bone collection is not for the maths learning-natured but the truant, the Sassy reader, the Nirvana-fan kinds. The teenage anger and the Julie Delpy-1995 looks show a way to live through again those years you hated but now you cry for being back. Cry for those times when prefering being drunk over being loved was accepted. Really. I'm not kidding. Anyway I am ready for the green hair dyeing. Ready, steady, go!
Rag & Bone Pre-Fall 2011


I swear I wanted to cook it by myself, make some home-made meringue for the christmas tree but a few days ago our fryer has gone wrong. Nice, I love machines.

Road to feats

A mystical jorney through the smell of leather.
Touch feats, touch the riddle. You must watch this.
Zana Bayne

24 December 2010


are telling the truth. General assembly.


Wish you a Merry Christmas!

I wish all of you a Merry Christmas! Love, Annamária

23 December 2010


Is this really all about your job? Quit your daily job. Write a book. Be a hipster. Be a poet. Be happy.
So sad we wake up in the morning, take the bus, walk to work/school, suffer there, then take the bus again, go home, eat, sleep. And again and again. Schedules kill the pain and joy. I hate beeing scheduled. Lethargy, it's raw. I rather keep collecting shoes and watching B-movies.
Raf Simons: Isolated Heroes


A home, like this. Acne Paper No. 11


First question: is this really serious? WHAT IS THIS? I mean, I'm just... a bit confused about Jeremy Scott for spring. This collection is a joke. And if I believe this (and I guess I have to), then it's a fun in its own dark, likeable way. The four most convincing pieces are the TRASH t-shirt with the leather skirt, the armour-breasted little black dress, the skeleton dress and the jacket-like black leather backpack (actually I NEED this backpack, or a similar one). Plus as an extra, the sunglasses and the can-dress. The other parts of the collection are not for me. Too constrained. The flesh dress is simply ridiculous. Anyway I can't think of anything now, maybe a Halloween night? Or a birthday party for Alice?

Jeremy Scott Spring 2011, selected/edited by me

22 December 2010

But I'm a Taurus

Horoscope editorial. What's yours?


The two outfits what I want for christmas, or right now. Fetish and granny style. First for punishing you, then loving you. Really I couldn't believe Johnny Rotten can inspire me ANY FURTHER. I mean he has a big influence on me since I was 15 that's why I thought he can show me nothing new now. But he can. I've already seen him in this white/black/red sweater long ago but it meant nothing. But now, you know, I badly want a mohair sweater. Thank you Johnny, DAMN. By the way, the good news is that mum said she HAS a mohair sweater. Uh la la la la.
Zana Bayne Spring 2011, mohair sweater

21 December 2010


'Her lie reflected my lie.' As The Narrator said.
Prada ad1

Come to me Rotten-sweater and I'll sing you a song

and give a huge hug.
CAN YOU SEE WHAT I SEE?! So, who can knit a mohair sweater? Anyone? In exchange for it I give you some... uhm... home-made muffins! Okay? Deal??
(Sex Pistols at the Bill Grundy show on 1 December 1976 and standing behind them are the punk hangers-on from the Bromley Contingent, Siouxsie Sioux, Steve Severin, Simon Barker and 'Simone', mohair sweater)

Sympathy For The Devil

Please allow me to introduce myself
I'm a man of wealth and taste
I've been around for a long, long years
Stole many a man's soul and faith
I watched with glee
While your kings and queens
Fought for ten decades
For the gods they made
Just as every cop is a criminal
And all the sinners saints
As heads is tails
Just call me Lucifer
'Cause I'm in need of some restraint

So genious.

20 December 2010

Huns make it better

So, do you know how hungarians work? I mean as human beeings? They work with their heart. But sometimes the world ignores them, and doesn't care for them as much as they'd deserve. Hungarians are good. Remember that. An example.
K E P P showroom via

Your cold and pure self

Last week I was sick and I had to lay in bed all day long, no school, no air. I took this picture and video from the living room.
But today, hey, I went to school after a 2-hours sleep, and in the afternoon I walked to the bank. It felt soo good. And I've realized a new thing.

I like winter.
I mean, I LIKE WINTER. Can you hear me?
I thought I hate it until this afternoon. But no.
Actually I love the snow, the dazzling white, the cold, the clothes.
The streets, the countryside. How different they are now. Snow makes miracles. I didn't know that.
A new revelation.
Thank you.
I like you winter, I tell you. Your cold and pure self.

flickr + youtube


Ok I'm going to adopt you. And I don't care you're 26 now.

Pretty rare moment

...when I really like an editorial in a hungarian magazine. (Of course there are 1-2 magazine exeptions.) This was in Glamour, 2010 january-february. Punk/bohemian/boyish. I love the T.U.K. shoes on the first photo, especially the rockabilly ones.

18 December 2010

Tati is my new Mad Girl

I definitely have an affiliation with insane women. I won't bore you with MY Mad Girlz list, but I may insure you there are some sickos I'd like to hanging out with and Tati Cotliar is definitely the newest listmember. Roam in a Valentino couture dress on the streets, definitely mad. What makes somebody being called MAD? The clothes? The drugs? The nights we can't remember? Oh no, my dear. The attitude. It's the key. When someone can be quiet even if everybody else is howling.
Határozottan van valamiféle vonzódásom az őrült nőszemélyek felé. Nem foglak a SAJÁT Mad Girlz listámmal untatni, de biztosíthatlak, hogy van egy pár dilinyós, akikkel szívesen együtt lógnék és Tati Cotliar határozottan a legújabb listatag. Egy Valentino couture ruhában kóborolni az utcákon, határozottan őrület. De miért illet meg valakit az Őrült jelző? A ruhái miatt? A drogok miatt? A felidézhetetlen éjszakák miatt? Óh nem, kedvesem. Az attitűd. Ez a kulcs. Amikor valaki csöndben tud lenni akkor is, ha körülötte mindenki más üvölt.
Who's on your Mad Girlz list?
És kik vannak a te Mad Girlz listádon?
Tati Cotliar by Andrea Spotorno for Ten Magazine Summer 2010

17 December 2010

Feeling like a criminal

So, you remember of this, right? You do. I know. Because it's unforgettable. Fiona Apple not only introduced us to the drugdaze of the nineties but quasi facepunched all our popcultural memories and let us to sniff behind the scenes. She didn't make a haughty, straining, who-if-not-me druganthem, she didn't constrain the filthy stink of rock n' roll on us, she simply let herself go. Took a director like Mark Romanek and she was just living. LIVING into the camera unabashedly, lost flesh to skin and bone, in groove. Voyeurism, adolescence, sex. The New Yorker described Fiona as "looking like an underfed Calvin Klein model". The silent rebellion of nineties, the self-destruction. We must not forget Fiona Apple, this song, as we must not forget the milieu this all existed in.
Szóval, emlékszel erre, ugye? Emlékszel. Tudom. Mert ez felejthetetlen. Fiona Apple nem csak hogy bevezetett miket a kilencvenes évek drogkábulatába, de mintegy arconcsapva minden popkulturális emlékünket, megengedte, hogy beszippantunk a kulisszák mögé. Nem csinált fennhéjázó, erőlködő, ki-ha-én-nem droghimnuszt, nem erőltette belénk a rock n' roll mocskos bűzét, egyszerűen csak elengedte magát. Fogott egy olyan rendezőt, mint Mark Romanek és élt. ÉLT bele a kamerába, szégyentelenül, csonttá és bőrré fogyva, mámorban. Voyeurizmus, kamaszkor, szex. Fionát a The New Yorker úgy jellemezte, hogy "olyan, mint egy alultáplált Calvin Klein modell". A kilencvenes évek csöndes lázadása, az önpusztítás. Nem szabad elfelejtenünk Fiona Applet, és ezt a számot, ahogy azt a milliőt sem, melyben mindez létezett.

"You shouldn't model your life on what you think that we think is cool, and what we're wearing and what we're saying." (Fiona Apple)

Fiona Apple: Criminal (1997)

With a scythe in my hand / a witch shoe on my leg / I'll find you in the forest / and bite your neck

* I know it's not leg but foot, but I needed the rhyme, you know.
woman with scythe, witch shoes, girl, Mona Lisa Vito from My Cousin Vinny

14 December 2010

Lilly and Heine and Topshop

An angel came. Lilly Heine at Topshop. Mathematical and architectural shapes, and the greek doric column, as an inspiration. (Ain't it like that? I think it is.) Geometrical lines, veil-crowns, muted colours. This isn't the popbusiness, you know. This is the MA collection of a young Central Sait Martins student, who got her inspiration from Picasso’s sketches of women. So here you are. Let's keep our eyes on this lady.
Egy angyal jött. Litty Heine a Topshopnál. Matematikai és építészeti formák, és a görög dór oszlop, mint inspiráció. (Nem olyan? Szerintem nagyon.) Geometrikus vonalvezetés, fátyol-koronák, tompított színek. Ez nem a popszakma, kérem. Ez egy fiatal Central Sait Martins-os tervezőnő MA kollekciója, aki Picasso nőszkeccseiből nyert inspirációt. Tessék, lássék. Figyeljünk a kisasszonyra.
dazeddigital.com, lillyheine.com

The girl, one of the siblings: the sweetest little kitty


Love is a lonely business

"To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering one must not love. But then one suffers from not loving. Therefore, to love is to suffer; not to love is to suffer; to suffer is to suffer. To be happy is to love. To be happy, then, is to suffer, but suffering makes one unhappy. Therefore, to be unhappy, one must love or love to suffer or suffer from too much happiness. I hope you're getting this down." (from the movie Love and Death by Woody Allen, 1975)
"Szeretni szenvedés. Hogy elkerüljük a szenvedést, nem szabad szeretni. De akkor attól szenvedünk, hogy nem szeretünk. Tehát, szeretni szenvedés, nem szeretni is szenvedés, szenvedni szenvedés. Boldognak lenni annyit tesz, szerelmesnek lenni. Szóval boldognak lenni akkor szenvedés, de a szenvedéstől boldogtalanok leszünk. Tehát, boldogtalannak lenni annyit tesz mint szeretni, vagy szeretni szenvedni, vagy szenvedni a túl sok boldogságtól. Remélem ezt feljegyezted." (részlet a Szerelem és halál című 1975-ös Woody Allen filmből)
I guess they say on this, "life sucks". Anyway love is a lonely business. You suffer from being alone, or you both suffer from each other, or you suffer from the other one, or the other one suffers from you. But the two of you never do it in the same way. But to love or to suffer, almost the same. Or leastways they get along with. If you want to read more about love, click here, I've written about this topic before. Or select from the undermentioned films, which came into my mind randomly, but one and all are beautiful. Watch all of them, it's worth it. We need this.
Azt hiszem, erre mondják, hogy "life sucks". Végül is a szerelem úgyis egy magányos biznisz. Vagy egyedül szenvedsz, vagy szenvedtek egymástól, vagy te szenvedsz a másiktól, vagy a másik szenved tőled. De ketten sohasem ugyanúgy. De szeretni vagy szenvedni, végül is majdnem ugyan az. Vagy legalábbis jól összeférnek. Ha szeretnél a szerelemről olvasni, kattints ide, mert erről a témáról már írtam. Vagy az alábbi filmekből csemegézz, amik teljesen random módon jutottak az eszembe, de egytől egyig gyönyörűek. Nézd meg mindet, megéri. Kell ez.
1. Before Sunrise [Mielőtt felkel a Nap] by Richard Linklater, 1995
2. The Bridges of Madison County [A szív hídjai] by Clint Eastwood, 1995
3. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind [Egy makulátlan elme örök ragyogása] by Michel Gondry, 2004
video stills: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Before Sunrise, The Bridges of Madison County

09 December 2010

Why I love/hate tumblr

So why do I love/hate tumblr? Why do I hate? Because it's a thimblerigger. The unbearable labyrinth of the Minotaur, like a spiderweb with its subtle and foxy system where it's almost impossible to get out from. Tumblr takes long long hours of my life, daily. And why do I love it? Because not for nothing. Am I the only one who feels since the tumblr-mania have broken out there are more millions of pictures circling around the online-cosmos? But where the hell does this photo-mass come from? Am I the only one who miscredit and abashed? By the way, my question is: would you like me to make a list of those websites I use to feed my brain with? 
Hogy miért imádom/utálom a tumblrt? Miért utálom? Mert egy szemfényvesztő. A Minótaurusz kiállhatatlan labirintusa, egy pókháló, aminek szövevényes és agyafúrt rendszeréből szinte lehetetlen kiszabadulni. Hosszú, hosszú órákat vesz el az életemből, naponta. És miért szeretem? Mert nem hiába. Csak én érzem úgy, vagy amióta kitört a tumblr-mánia milliókkal több kép kering az online-kozmoszban? De honnan a fenéből került elő ez a fotótömeg? Vagy csak én hitetlenkedem és hüledezem? Egyébként, a kérdésem a következő: szeretnétek, hogy csináljak egy listát azokról az oldalakról, amelyekből nap mint nap táplálom elmém?

blood, men, wolves, pyramid